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How can Sex Benefit Your Mental Health?

Human needs are an essential part of life. That is a given. When those needs are not fulfilled, there can be detrimental damage to one’s mental and sometimes physical health. Many may argue that the fundamental human needs are essentially food, shelter, and water; it is vital to acknowledge that a healthy sex life is a critical component which contributes to the development of a full and happy life for most people.

Keep in mind that while the importance of a healthy sex life is primarily stressed here, it is not fundamentally unhealthy for an individual to live an asexual or a celibate life. There are no physical or psychological drawbacks to being asexual. In contrast, there are just added mental health benefits that people who crave the intimacy of a sexual relationship tend to experience. There is no shame in either lifestyle. A healthy sex life is a vital part of a full and happy life, and sex life is not particularly integral are two statements that can co-exist. 

That being said, sex can be a part of a fulfilling life for numerous people, and it has the ability to support good mental health in many ways.

Physical barriers

In essence, there is no doubt that sex is a huge part of adult life. However, a few things can ruin this experience, like erectile dysfunction. And it is important to keep in mind that something like this can affect anyone at any age. Erectile dysfunction is an extremely common occurrence in adult males. This particular issue can really prove to be quite serious for men. After all, the psychological effects of erectile dysfunction can be as detrimental as anything else. So how can you get your hands on pills that treat erectile dysfunction? Look into Viagra 100mg. It is definitely one of the best options for anyone suffering from the condition and looking for relief. Viagra pills function by helping promote the blood flow to the penis, which in turn can enable one to get and maintain erections with more ease.

Benefits of an Active Sex Life

It is a matter of fact that sex and sexuality are a part of life. Even aside from reproduction, intimacy and pleasure hold high importance for many. Sexual activity provides many surprising benefits to all aspects of your life:

  • Physical
  • Intellectual
  • Emotional
  • Psychological
  • Social

The Link Between Sex and Mental Health

Similar to exercise, sexual activity can help decrease stress and anxiety in an individual while providing various other benefits. There are studies that strongly suggest that sexual activity may correlate with the following:

  • Increase in levels of trust, intimacy, as well as love in your relationships.
  • Improvement in your ability to perceive, identify and express emotions.
  • Lessens the use of your immature psychological defence mechanism(s).
  • Lessens the impact of mental processes, which can help reduce distress from emotional conflict.

Boosts Confidence and Self-Esteem

Dabbling in sexual activity on a regular basis, whether you are with a partner or alone, can make you look youthful. This may sound like a farce, but there is actual science behind this. This can occur partly due to the release of estrogen during sexual activities. Likewise, a lack of sexual activity can be harmful and can cause your self-worth and confidence to drop significantly. In addition, when you have sex, the feelings of intimacy with your partner, along with the feelings of nurture, are boosted.

Social Relationships

Sexual activities can enable you to connect to your partner on an emotional and social level. This is all thanks to oxytocin. Oxytocin plays a significant role in developing social relationships. In fact, you may discover that harmonious; mutual sexual pleasure can help with bonding within a relationship unlike anything else.

Coupled partners typically tend to experience relationship satisfaction, particularly when they satisfy one another’s sexual desires. Such an experience may even lead to positive growth in the relationship, as being able to express your needs and sexual desires always have positive results.

Increases Production of Serotonin

You may have heard that low serotonin can cause anyone to be unstable or create or act properly on plans and strategies. Moreover, if you have low serotonin, it is natural to experience a significant struggle in completing tasks. You might also become easily agitated or may act on your impulses a lot.

Sexual activities tend to boost serotonin, which can help improve your mood and battle depression. Additionally, during orgasm, one of the hormones released is serotonin. So, expect an increase in serotonin whenever you have sex.

Boosts Happiness

Serotonin can help out a lot, but other chemicals released during sex are endorphins. Similar to serotonin, endorphins are known as neurotransmitters, which are associated with the feeling of happiness. This indicates that endorphins can cause your mood to brighten up in general, which can help fight off depression. Sex can provide one with a night of more peaceful sleep and can even counter sleeping disorders, such as insomnia.

Bottom Line

In essence, there is no doubt that sex is a huge part of adult life. However, a few things can ruin this experience, like erectile dysfunction. And it is important to keep in mind that something like this can affect anyone at any age. Erectile dysfunction is an extremely common occurrence in adult males. This particular issue can really prove to be quite serious for men. After all, the psychological effects of erectile dysfunction can be as detrimental as anything else. So how can you get your hands on pills that treat erectile dysfunction? Look into Viagra 100mg. It is definitely one of the best options for anyone suffering from the condition and looking for relief. Viagra pills function by helping promote the blood flow to the penis, which in turn can enable one to get and maintain erections with more ease.

Andy Macpherson

Andy Macpherson is a Brighton-based blogger, amateur golfer and photographer with a passion for capturing the essence of his surroundings. Born and raised in Hove, he has spent almost his entire life exploring the streets and beaches of Brighton, always with a DLSR in hand. When he's not out taking photos or hacking his way around the golf course, Andy can often be found gorging on Pad Thai. As a self-proclaimed foodie, Andy is always on the lookout for new restaurants and dishes to try, which is the main reason behind why he loves reviewing food places for the site.