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Trying To Decide Whether To DIY A Project Or Not? Here Are A Few Things To Consider

Having a long list of home improvements that you have been meaning to get around to is not uncommon. A lot of homeowners have a snagging list or any number of dream projects that they would like to do in their homes. However, sometimes the items on the list languish there simply because no one in the house has the DIY expertise to pull them off. Creating your dream home is never going to be easy. Doing the work yourself, where you are able, can really help to save you some money. That being said, attempting jobs beyond your capabilities can end up costing you more in the long run. So, how can you tell the difference? Let’s get into it. 

Is The Work Structural? 

Home improvement television programmes really do make structural work look easy. Knocking down a wall seems effortless, and it gives your home so much more space, so why can’t you give it a go? However, any structural work that you want to be carried out in your home probably isn’t DIY-able. This is because, for the most part, you will need the guidance of a structural engineer to ensure that the house isn’t going to fall down around your ears. There are some walls within your home that are weight-bearing and, therefore, cannot be touched.  

Some structural work will technically constitute an extension or addition to your home, and this won’t be covered by the original planning permission for the property. This means that before any work can be carried out, you need to submit an application to the local authority. As part of this application, you often need to submit blueprints of the proposed project, which are likely to be out of your remit, meaning again that you will need to hire a professional. You would likely need an architect and then a builder to read and follow the blueprints. Unless, of course, you have experience in this, but it is probably fairly unlikely.  

 Does The Job Include Electrical Elements? 

Unless you have experience and know what you are doing, you should never try to DIY any electrical work that needs doing within your home. This is because if things go wrong, there is a very real possibility that you will be electrocuted, and this could prove fatal. If by some miracle you manage to get through the process without ensuring that everything is wired up properly, you run the risk of electrical fires, which will not only claim your home but could claim lives too.  

This is why you should always hire a qualified professional to undertake any electrical work. Now, depending on the work itself, you might not need an electrician as such; you might be able to use a handyman. Whoever you choose to hire for the job, you really ought to check their qualifications and certifications before you allow them to carry out the work. You can use a site like My Builder taking advantage to find a handyman near me; you then need to fill out a short form detailing the work before you can see your options. The handymen then can also ready your form before committing to the job to see whether or not they could do it.  

Does It Include Plumbing Work? 

A lot of people underestimate the challenge that a plumbing issue can present. Fixing a leaky pipe seems easy enough until you forget to turn off the water mains and flush the water through, so you end up making the issue far worse. A lot of plumbing jobs are hard to assess, they might seem straightforward, but there could be any number of issues at play. Plumbing problems can also have a dramatic effect on the structural integrity of the property too, which is why you should always defer to a professional.  

The plumbing of your home goes far beyond water pipes; remember there are also sewage pipes to consider too. The pipes also all intermingle together with the other houses on your road and so an issue affecting your property could escalate and start to affect someone else’s property. Hiring a professional simply removes this stress from your shoulders. It also means that the issue can be fixed in an appropriate and timely manner. The plumber that you have hired is then also responsible for the issue and reports it to any of the necessary authorities should they need to.  

Does The Work Involve Caustic, Volatile Or Dangerous Chemicals? 

Obviously, not every home improvement project is going to include chemicals, but there are a few which you might encounter that you really need to be mindful of. For example, redecorating is an incredibly common home improvement project, and there are several chemicals involved. There is the paint, plastering, caulking or anything else. These are all technically chemicals; however, for the most part, they are all pretty DIY-able; although your experience and expertise might affect the outcome, most people will be able to give this a go.  

However, if your project involves something like fumigating an insect infestation or trying to shore up or redo your home’s insulation or the use of any chemical that comes with a long warning label, then it is definitely worth pausing to think about it. They can pose some serious risks to your health if you misuse them. If you aren’t confident with these chemicals, then hiring a handyman to deal with the job for you is by far the better decision. Depending on the job, it won’t necessarily be a particularly expensive or time-consuming job either.  

Is It Beyond Your Technological Skills? 

Some home improvement jobs require a certain level of technological skill. This is mostly seen when trying to install home security systems like alarms or cameras, or even smart home systems. The security systems themselves are often pretty expensive and need to be installed properly in order to ensure that they are going to work as needed and that you are getting your money’s worth. Installing any type of tech in your home can pose a challenge, and smart homes are becoming all the rage too.  

As mentioned above, the tech is usually incredibly expensive, obviously, hiring someone to install it does constitute an additional cost, but it is worth doing. As well as ensuring that all of the tech is in proper working order and installed as it should be. You can also benefit from their advice in terms of the best locations for the tech and any tips that they have for its use. These insights and their expertise are often worth the installation cost. 

To Sum Up 

Realistically, when it comes to trying to work out whether you can DIY a home improvement project or not, the deciding factor really should be common sense. If you think, in all honesty, that you can complete the job to a high standard while maintaining your safety and the safety of the home, then, by all means, give it a go. Remember, every home improvement or DIY job carries a certain level of risk. Choosing to pay for a professional to carry out the work is not admitting defeat. Sometimes it is the most financially sensible option. 

Andy Macpherson

Andy Macpherson is a Brighton-based blogger, amateur golfer and photographer with a passion for capturing the essence of his surroundings. Born and raised in Hove, he has spent almost his entire life exploring the streets and beaches of Brighton, always with a DLSR in hand. When he's not out taking photos or hacking his way around the golf course, Andy can often be found gorging on Pad Thai. As a self-proclaimed foodie, Andy is always on the lookout for new restaurants and dishes to try, which is the main reason behind why he loves reviewing food places for the site.