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Five Things That Are Just as Fun to Do Online as in Person

The internet has transformed how we engage with our favourite activities, providing digital alternatives that can be just as enjoyable as their in-person counterparts. Here are five things that are just as fun to do online as they are in person.

1. Online Gambling and Gaming

One of the most popular activities to transition from the physical to the digital world is gambling and gaming. Online casinos offer a vast array of games such as poker, blackjack, and slots that can be accessed from the comfort of home. These platforms often include live dealer options, where players can interact with real dealers through video streams, replicating the thrill of a brick-and-mortar casino.

Beyond traditional gambling, online gaming has exploded in popularity. Massive multiplayer online games (MMOs) like “World of Warcraft” and competitive titles like “Fortnite” provide immersive experiences that rival the excitement of in-person gaming. The ability to play with friends or compete against others worldwide adds a social dimension that enhances the overall fun. With advanced graphics, compelling storylines, and vibrant online communities, online gaming offers a dynamic and engaging way to pass the time. When reviewing any online services, including gaming, it is best to consult safe, licensed sites to ensure credibility and security.

2. Virtual Fitness Classes

Fitness enthusiasts have embraced online fitness classes as a viable and enjoyable alternative to gym workouts. Platforms like Peloton, Beachbody On Demand, and Zoom-based fitness sessions offer a wide variety of classes, including yoga, HIIT, dance, and strength training. These online options provide the convenience of working out from home while still receiving professional guidance and motivation from instructors.

The interactive features of many online fitness platforms, such as live classes with real-time feedback, leaderboards, and community support groups, help replicate the camaraderie and energy of a gym environment. This not only keeps participants motivated but also fosters a sense of connection and accountability, making online fitness a fun and effective way to stay active.

3. Streaming Movies and TV Shows

Streaming services like Netflix, Disney+, and Amazon Prime Video have revolutionized how we watch movies and TV shows. These platforms offer vast libraries of content that can be accessed anytime, eliminating the need to visit a movie theater or adhere to a broadcast schedule. With the advent of features like Watch Party, viewers can watch shows and movies simultaneously with friends and family, complete with synchronized playback and chat options.

This social viewing experience can make streaming just as enjoyable as attending a theater or gathering around the TV. Additionally, the ability to pause, rewind, and binge-watch entire seasons at your own pace enhances the overall enjoyment and convenience of watching your favorite content.

4. Online Shopping

Online shopping has become a beloved activity for many, rivaling the experience of visiting physical stores. E-commerce giants like Amazon, eBay, and Etsy provide an endless array of products that can be browsed and purchased from anywhere. The convenience of home delivery, easy returns, and a wide selection of items make online shopping a preferred choice for many consumers.

Virtual try-on features, detailed product reviews, and personalized recommendations enhance the shopping experience, making it interactive and tailored to individual preferences. The thrill of finding great deals, the excitement of awaiting a package, and the satisfaction of unboxing make online shopping a fun and engaging activity.

5. Virtual Tours and Travel Experiences

Travel enthusiasts can explore the world through virtual tours and online travel experiences. Platforms like Google Earth, virtual museum tours, and live-streamed safaris allow users to visit iconic landmarks, explore natural wonders, and experience cultural events without leaving their homes. These virtual experiences provide a unique and immersive way to learn about different places and cultures.

Interactive elements, such as guided tours with knowledgeable hosts, 360-degree videos, and augmented reality (AR) features, make virtual travel engaging and informative. While nothing can completely replace the sensory experience of physical travel, virtual tours offer an exciting and accessible way to satisfy wanderlust and curiosity.


The digital age has expanded the possibilities for enjoying a wide range of activities online. Whether it’s the excitement of online gambling and gaming, the convenience of virtual fitness classes, the immersive experience of streaming media, the thrill of online shopping, or the adventure of virtual travel, these activities offer fun and engaging alternatives to their in-person counterparts. As technology continues to evolve, the line between online and offline enjoyment will only continue to blur, offering new and exciting ways to engage with our favorite pastimes.

Andy Macpherson

Andy Macpherson is a Brighton-based blogger, amateur golfer and photographer with a passion for capturing the essence of his surroundings. Born and raised in Hove, he has spent almost his entire life exploring the streets and beaches of Brighton, always with a DLSR in hand. When he's not out taking photos or hacking his way around the golf course, Andy can often be found gorging on Pad Thai. As a self-proclaimed foodie, Andy is always on the lookout for new restaurants and dishes to try, which is the main reason behind why he loves reviewing food places for the site.