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Understanding Civil Partnership Visas: A Guide for Couples in Brighton

The UK Civil Partnership Visa, also known as the Spouse Visa, is a type of Family Visa for civil partners who would like to live together in the UK. With this visa, civil partners have the same immigration rights as married couples.

Keep reading to find out how the Civil Partnership Visa UK can help you to establish family life in the UK.

Who is Eligible for the UK Civil Partnership Visa?

Not all civil partnership couples in Brighton are eligible for the UK Civil Partnership Visa. The conditions that must be met are:

  • One member of the couple is a British citizen or a UK settled person
  • The civil partnership is recognised by the UK
  • The couple has proof of cohabitation for the past 2 years
  • Both members of the couple are at least 18 years old

The person applying for the visa must also prove that they:

  • Can speak and understand English
  • Have suitable plans for accommodation
  • Meet the minimum income threshold and the financial requirements

All applicants have to present the right supporting documents, pass the ‘Genuine Relationship Test’, and have their biometrics taken. Some individuals will be asked to pass a medical test to rule out Tuberculosis.

Financial Requirements of the UK Civil Partnership Visa

To obtain a UK Civil Partnership Visa, it’s not only the foreign applicant that has to meet a set of requirements, but also the British citizen partner.

In terms of finances, the British national must have a minimum income of £29,000 per year before tax. The income can be made up of employment or self-employment funds, savings, pensions, sick pay, shares etc.

The exception to this rule is individuals who are claiming one of the following benefits:

  • Attendance Allowance
    • Carer’s Allowance
    • Disability Living Allowance
    • Personal Independence Payment
    • Police Injury Pension
    • Constant Attendance Allowance, Mobility Supplement or War Disablement Pension under the War Pensions Scheme
    • Armed Forces Independence Payment or Guaranteed Income Payment under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme
    •  Severe Disablement Allowance
    • Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit

Even beneficiaries of these state benefits will still have to provide evidence that they can afford ‘adequate maintenance’ (around £120 per week). This is financial support for any dependants that they want to bring to the UK.

How to Apply for the UK Civil Partnership Visa

There is an online visa application form for all Civil Partnership Visa applicants. Once the applicant has checked they are eligible, and gathered their supporting documents, they may proceed with the application.

This type of visa comes with a processing time of around 6 months. At the end of this time, the Home Office will contact the applicant with their decision. If they are successful, they may stay in the UK for 2 years and 9 months as a Civil Partnership Visa holder, before extending the visa if they wish to stay longer.

What Are Your Rights When You Have a UK Civil Partnership Visa?

As a Civil Partnership UK Visa holder, you may live, work and study in the UK, as well as travelling in and out of the country freely. The NHS is also available to use at no cost.  However, you are not able to:

  • Apply to settle in the UK (until you meet the eligibility criteria)
  • Claim state benefits freely (there are restrictions)

Working With an Immigration Lawyer

The average person is not familiar with the Civil Partnership Visa application process, and even if they are, it is unlikely that they completely understand the eligibility, required documents, and allowed activities.

To ensure you enter this process with plenty of knowledge, you may want to hire an immigration lawyer, who will be the expert on all aspects of this application.

Andy Macpherson

Andy Macpherson is a Brighton-based blogger, amateur golfer and photographer with a passion for capturing the essence of his surroundings. Born and raised in Hove, he has spent almost his entire life exploring the streets and beaches of Brighton, always with a DLSR in hand. When he's not out taking photos or hacking his way around the golf course, Andy can often be found gorging on Pad Thai. As a self-proclaimed foodie, Andy is always on the lookout for new restaurants and dishes to try, which is the main reason behind why he loves reviewing food places for the site.