As someone who misses home and especially the food that I used to have in my home country on a regular basis, The Permit Room by Dishoom offered me a chance to experience the warmth of Chai on a cold February morning.
Are you a chai lover? Get bottomless chai at the permit room until 15th February 2024
Before I talk about the food, I must talk a little bit about the carefully crafted aesthetic of the cafe/bar nestled in a corner of East Street in the centre of Brighton.
The brick-orange and white exterior with Permit Room written in Hindi lettering on the front immediately and unapologetically invites you into a curated Indian atmosphere. The lettering reminds one of the famous rail networks in Mumbai, and as soon as one enters, one realises the fusion of the East and West within the architecture. The indoor plants, warm lights, and window seats are all juxtaposed with what looks and feels like old mahogany furniture.
When I asked for chai, the staff very kindly served us spicy, strong milk tea in glasses that are exactly like the ones in which tea is served on the streets of nearly all Indian cities. The chai carried a perfect balance of cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, and ginger that leaves your entire gut feeling soothed.
My friend and I ordered the bun maska as well as the Date Porridge for breakfast. The bun maska tasted classic as usual—crispy, buttered toast, which is so soft in the middle—which, when dipped into chai, reminded me of a morning in my Indian household. The porridge was a healthy, smooth mix of dates and oats with banana toppings that made for a hearty breakfast.
However, the best thing was how the chai kept coming. Every time my glass was empty, the staff made sure to replenish it with another glass of hot chai. If you are thinking I whispered something magical to access this, you are right.
Address: 32 East St, Brighton, BN1 1HL